Paper Criteria

We are seeking 10-20 page submissions such as term papers, research papers, and thesis chapters. Submissions may cover the history, art, philosophy, architecture, culture, languages and/or literature of the Ancient Mediterranean. If you are looking to submit a creative piece (audio-visuals, poems, plays, etc) or are an interested high-school student, please directly contact!

All submissions must include:

  • Cover page with your contact information including name, title of submission, university, class year, email, and phone number 

  • Abstract (100-200 words) 

  • Faculty reference contact (if your paper was submitted for academic credit) 

The paper must be double-spaced with all pages numbered and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition. 

Please also remove all identifying information from the body of the paper in order to facilitate blind review. You will be prompted to upload a separate cover page with identifying information. 

Submit an article to be published in the next issue of the Helicon!

Deadline and Instructions for Submitting

All uploads should be submitted as .doc, .docx, or PDF by Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 to be considered for the 2022-23 print issue. Early submission is encouraged. The submission portal will remain open afterwards for online publication or inclusion in the 2023-24 print issue. Please direct inquiries to and/or Editor-in-Chief at