Pervigilium Veris

After Zhang Ruoxu in remembrance of a dear friend and colleague.


...littera venit,

vix bene barbarica Graeca notata manu.

(Ov. Her. 3. 1-2)

Aequa mari statuit vernalis in amnibus unda,

Luna simul nitido nascitur amne super.

Undarum sequitur Latonia milia multa,

Lucida non aliquo amne carenda micans.

Erranti fragrans praecingitur insula ab lympha,

Myrtea sub luna silva nivosa nitet.

Flamina per volitans non sensa est alba pruina,

Nec se spectari candida harena sinit.

Inter aquas caelumque albescenti similem amni

Lustrabat praestans lumine sola dea.

Nunc posco, hac ripa, quo primo visa sit luna,

Fulserit aut quando prima hominique et aquae.

Per tantos aevos hominum gens, A, remanebat,

Talibus inque annis Diva perennis erat.

Nescia quem exspectent Phoebeque undaeque manentes

Perpetuo specto flumine abire mare.

Claro cum nubis vanescat in aethere solus

A curis vincor litore propter acer.

Intendam tibi ubi, thalamo astris argentato?

Quemque phaselon apud nunc requiete jaces?

Luna serena vagat circum aedes turre superbas,

Heu! cui lucenda strata relicta patent.

Lux cujus quamquam velante occlusa smaragdo

Iam lautas tabulas mulcet et haeret loco.

Quam lucem spectans non exaudis mihi questus:

Mutata in radios nunc volo tute sequi.

Has noctes nil attenuat, non fluminis ales

Carmine discedens, nec mare pisce tremens.

Stagnorum in somnis flores vidi cecidisse

Sed semper sine te, sponse remote miser!

Tempora cum fluctu veris fugiunt moriendo,

Inclinatque ad lacum Cynthia marmoreum

Inter et umentes declivis labitur aestus.

Lydos ad montes est via longa Pharo!

Sint quot reventuri serae cum lumine? quaero

Dum riparum implet luna dolore nemus.























Spring, River, Flowers, Moon, Night

English translation by David Lattimore

Spring river tidal water running level with the sea

on the sea the bright moon rising with the tide

rolling tossing down its waves a million miles

where spring river do you lack for moonlight

The river flows twists turns around the scented park lands

moonlight sleeting everywhere on blooming groves

through the void flowing frost flies unseen

white sand of the islets indistinguishable.

River sky one color without a spot of dust

glittering amid the void the bright moon’s wheel

on these banks what people first saw the

moon river moon in what year did you first shine on men.

Life of man age on age unexhausted

river moon year by year looking at each other

who knows what person the moon in the river waits for

all you see the long stream ushering its waters.

White cloud a single swath bound far away

maples green upon the bank unquenched sorrow

Tonight where is the household of the man in the little boat

What place does she think of in the moonlit lodge

Piteously above the lodge the moon wavers wanders

shining back on the lonely one the make-up mirror-stand

blinds of the jade door she twists but does not go

wash-pounding on the stone though brushed away returns

This is the hour to gaze afar hearing nothing

wishing to follow the moon-glow to flow—to shine on you

wild geese far flying cannot go beyond the light

fish dragons churning the depths ripple the surface

Last night by the idle pool she dreamt of falling flowers

she grieves for him at mid-spring who does not come home

river waters wash away what’s left of spring

river pool the falling moon slanting westward

Slant moon deep deep in sea-mist hidden

from Jieshi to Xiaoxiang a boundless road

who knows what people come home by moonlight

the moonset shakes our feelings as it fills the river trees.


Beyond a Hellenistic Philosopher


Pandora: First Woman or First Pawn?